17 Ways

The power to choose is the power to shape the world.

The Good Stuff

Locally Owned & Independent
Ethical Sourcing
Community Giving
Diverse Ownership

When values-driven companies choose to work with one another, it’s more than just good business. It’s good for the world. Because the more successful each becomes, the greater impact each can have. Helping to make that happen—making it easier for like-minded, certified, values-based SDG impact businesses to connect—is our mission. It’s our passion. And we think there’s real power in it. Enough power, in fact, to fuel an entire movement. One that can help make our world a better place.

Business is the most powerful force for change we have today.

We believe business is key to making the most profound societal changes by leveraging networks, investment portfolios, and corporate supply chains. We created 17 Ways to ensure values-driven businesses can find each other and do business together. Our intention is to unleash the power of purchasing dollars to make an impact towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Additional Locations

Cincinatti, OH


Sustainable Development Goals, SDG, ESG, CSR, Enterprise Software, B2B

3rd Party Certifications

B Corporation

Seattle Good Business Network Programs

Seattle Good Business Directory