A circular economy aims to redefine the way we live, work, and do business. It changes our extractive “take, use, and throw away” model, to a more environmentally and socially regenerative one. While there are a number of business practices that are relevant to a circular economy, we aim to highlight businesses that go beyond the everyday practices of recycling, composting, and donating of excess goods.
Businesses who participate in the circular economy at 'the next level', either materialistically, socially, or economically, employ the following practices, which include, but are not limited to: predominant use of upcycled/recycled materials, a zero-waste action plan; provide fair-wage jobs and pipelines to permanent careers for folks from underrepresented communities; source over 60% of their energy from renewable sources.
In approving your application, we will also look for you to display circular economy practices in your mission, values, or website. Does your company or organization prioritize and actively take part in the circular economy?