Through our community economic development programs and initiatives, we’re working to ensure that everyone has meaningful stake in our local economy.
As a non-profit, we rely on support from individuals, businesses, foundations, and other institutions to do this work.
Your donation will support our programming including Seattle Made, Northwest Sewn, Good Food Economy, Sustainability & Circular Economy, and Youth.
Thank you for your support!
Donate by Credit Card
The best way to ensure your full donation goes to support Seattle Good Business Network, and we incur the lowest payment processing fees, is to follow the donation tips below. If you have any questions, give us a shout at gro.doogelttaes@ofni.
- Choose your donation amount and click the blue donate button.
2. After you enter your credit card information, unselect the Cover Fees box (the language here is misleading, we will not incur the platform fee).
3. A pop-up message will appear. Select ‘Yes, Opt Out.’
4. Click the blue pay button to complete your donation!
Agreeing to the ‘Yes, Opt Out’ option will ensure that SGBN will pay only a 2.2% processing fee and zero platform fees.
If you ‘opt-in,’ the majority of your fee will go to Mighty Cause to cover their platform fees.
Donate by Check
Make check payable to Seattle Good Business Network and mail to:
Seattle Good Business Network
4786 1st Ave S. #102, Suite A9, Seattle, WA 98134
Seattle Good Business Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax ID #27-2172486).