Please review the letter below and complete the form to offer public support for a Stadium Makers’ District . The form also provides additional opportunities for you to get engaged.
Thank you! 


January 16, 2025,

The Honorable Sara Nelson,
Council President City of Seattle
600 4th Ave., 2nd Floor Seattle, WA 98104

Subject: Maker’s District and Housing in the Stadium District

Dear Council President Nelson,

We, the signatories of this letter and members of Seattle Made, a program of the nonprofit organization Seattle Good Business Network, have come together to voice our strong support for an amendment to the Seattle Municipal Code that will allow housing and Maker Spaces as part of the new Urban Industrial Zone applied last year to the Stadium District.

This is an exciting and rare opportunity to create a mixed-use district around the public stadiums, T-Mobile Park and Lumen Field, that prioritizes the development of much-needed maker spaces.

With nearly 700 member businesses, Seattle Made includes builders, bakers, stitchers, brewers, fabricators, and many other Seattle-based manufacturing businesses. A thriving manufacturing and production sector is essential to a vibrant, diverse, and sustainable city. Urban manufacturers and producers expand opportunities for local ownership and meaningful employment, build our region’s long-term resiliency, and celebrate Seattle’s unique cultural identity.

Seattle has a scarcity of available and affordable maker spaces for light industrial manufacturing and is forcing many of our manufacturing and maker businesses to leave the city, which is both an economic and cultural loss. Creating the proposed Stadium Makers’ District will fill a void, allowing dozens of light industrial manufacturing businesses to stay in the city, thrive, and contribute to our local economy.

Thank you for your leadership. We sincerely appreciate your role in championing local manufacturing businesses!

Proudly making it in Seattle,


Seattle Made Support Letter

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Would you be willing to attend a City Council meeting with Seattle Made/ Seattle Good staff and other members on 2/24 at 9:30 am at City Hall Downtown?
Would you be willing to offer public testimony at the City Council meeting on 2/24 at 9:30 am at City Hall Downtown?
Testimony is typically 2 – 3 minutes in length before the council and 75 attendees. We would provide speaking points. Our primary goal is to hear about your experiences as a small business in locating and securing an affordable commercial property in Seattle.
Would you be interested in being interviewed by the press to offer insight into your experiences and provide your support for the proposed Maker's District?
We would offer talking points and support coordination.