indi chocolate

Enjoy the world of chocolate with indi chocolate

The Good Stuff

Locally Owned & Independent
Ethical Sourcing
Circular Economy
Community Giving
Diverse Ownership

indi chocolate is the chocolate maker of Pike Place Market where you can watch us roast the beans we source for fine flavor from around the world to your finished chocolate right from our cafe on Western Ave.

We love to delight our customers with new and seasonal offerings for our chocolate, cafe food and drinks, classes and events.

We offer unique ways to enjoy chocolate from our mixology kits, teas and spice rubs made from the same cacao we use to make our chocolate and body care made from cocoa butter.  Come discover new ways to love chocolate with us.

We are happy to work with our guests to create unique gifts and events at indi chocolate.

Enjoy the world of chocolate with indi chocolate!



chocolate, coffee, cafe, food, beverage, manufacture, education, classes, events, pairing, mixology, body care, cocoa butter, tea, spice rub, recipes

3rd Party Certifications


How We Participate

Seattle Good Business Directory
Seattle Made
Sustainability / Circular Economy
Youth Intern Program
Pike Place Market, 1901 Western Ave. Ste D, Seattle, WA 98101
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