Laura Genoves, LLLT, Washington Family Law Tech

Affordable Family Law Advice and Assistance

The Good Stuff

Locally Owned & Independent
Community Giving
Diverse Ownership

Affordable family law help. Divorce is complicated, messy, and is expensive when lawyers get involved. If you are in need of a licensed legal professional to draft the proper court pleadings and guide you through the court process, I can help.  My fees are a fraction of the cost of an attorney. Please view my website and see if we may be a fit. I have a decade of family law experience and I am licensed with the Washington State Bar.

I can guide you and provide advice and assitance with filing the necessary court documents. For those with a mediation agreement in place, flat fee agreements may be available. I can finalize agreed orders with the court on your behalf to save you from going to the courthouse.

Please contact me to discuss options to help you navigate the court system, finalize your agreement with the court and move forward with your life.

For those seeking respectful resolution. 


Additional Locations

Virtual within Washington State


legal, family law, law, mediation, court, divorce, child support

3rd Party Certifications


Other Affiliations

WSBA, King County Collaborative Law, Certified Mediator, Collaborative Professionals of Washington, QLaw

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