
Seattle's sustainable plant marketplace

The Good Stuff

Locally Owned & Independent
Ethical Sourcing
Circular Economy
Community Giving
Diverse Ownership

Plantbaby is a one-stop marketplace for people in the local community to buy and sell sustainably created plants.

At plantbaby, we hope to inspire folks to propagate and sell plant babies to the local community. We have so many thriving plants all around us right here in our community. Let’s source our plants from our friends and neighbors rather than from somewhere far away. Plantbaby plants are grown and created in the most sustainable way possible. We create  zero harm for the environment, preserve biodiversity, and put more money in the pockets of the community as a whole.

A plant bought from plantbaby in lieu of something else will result in a little more human joy in the world that only a plant can offer!


houseplants, gardening, nursery, nurseries, plants, sustainable, pots, house plants, perennials, native plants, local

3rd Party Certifications


How We Participate

Seattle Good Business Directory
Sustainability / Circular Economy