Toure Apparel

Customizing and printing your apparel with your brand, logo, and or your business.

The Good Stuff

Locally Owned & Independent
Ethical Sourcing
Community Giving
Diverse Ownership

Toure Apparel specializes in helping you stand out above the rest! We are a family owned and operated small retail business.  We have been located in Seattle for 20+ years and have a loyal customer base.  We offer affordable custom printing of your team Logos, Brands or Business Name and have multiple options for customizing your garments: Embroidery, HTV applications and Eco Solvent Printing HV and sublimation to name a few.

We also specialize in gold Grillz and in our opinion, we use one of the best jewelers in the industry! Many styles to choose from in our catalog and only a two-week turnaround!

Whatever your dream or goal is, stop in and talk with us, we will give you options to help make your dream happen!



custom, print, printing, apparel, retail, black-owned, small-business

How We Participate

Seattle Good Business Directory