Third-Party Certifications
At Seattle Good, we’re actively working to create pipelines or pathways for businesses to increase their environmentally and socially sustainable practices and make these goals more attainable and cost effective.
Below we have included a list of the most widely-used and credible 3rd-party certifiers related to our mission. Many of our member businesses and organizations have gone through the extra effort of attaining these certifications, and we want to recognize them for it! That’s why you’ll see icons in many of our directory listings. We understand this is not a comprehensive list, so please contact us if there’s a certifier you don’t see that you think we should include!
What Do Our Good Icons Mean?
Many great local businesses and organizations engage in socially and environmentally-conscious practices but who aren’t 3rd party certified. These icons recognize those businesses for all the GOOD that they do through self-certification.

Locally Owned & Independent
This icon indicates two things about a Seattle Good business or organization. First, they’re local—meaning the entity is headquartered in the 4-county Greater Seattle Area or within the State of Washington. Second, they’re independent—in other words, the organization or company is privately held (not publicly traded) and owners have full decision-making power for the business.

Community Partner
While we understand the economic and community benefits of locally owned and independently operated businesses, we also know there are businesses and organizations that don’t meet these criteria, but that do share our values and do tremendous good for our community. These businesses and organizations are known as our Community Partners.

Circular Economy
A circular economy aims to redefine the way we live, work, and do business. It changes our extractive take, use, and throw away model, to a more environmentally and socially regenerative one. While there are a number of practices that are relevant to a circular economy, we aim to highlight businesses and organizations that go beyond the everyday practices of recycling, composting and donating of excess goods. While Seattle Good Business Network does not certify companies or organizations under a circular economy label, with this icon we recognize the effort and importance of those who emphasize and actively take part in the circular economy.

Community Giving
We want to help local businesses realize that their customers are also their neighbors and community. Community giving encompasses donations made by companies to nonprofits or funds supporting the arts, education, the environment, human services, public benefit, and so forth to foster community involvement. Many companies also have groups of employee volunteers who give their time to help nonprofits.
The businesses and organizations that carry this icon have demonstrated commitment to community giving. To learn more about what your company or organization could do to foster community giving, please contact us.

Ethical Sourcing
Ethical sourcing is the process of ensuring the products being sourced are obtained in a responsible and sustainable way, that the workers involved in making them are safe and treated fairly and that environmental and social impacts are taken into consideration during the sourcing process.

Diverse Ownership
Everyone deserves a fair opportunity to become successful. Seattle Good businesses, organizations, or entities that are a majority LGBTQ-owned (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer), person-of-color (POC) or minority-owned, veteran-owned, woman-owned, or owned by differently-abled persons are identified with this icon. A diverse economy is a healthy economy!

Cooperative Model
Co-ops—just like people—can get more done together than anyone can do alone. The good news is that co-ops come in many forms and are more common than you might imagine. They are owned by workers, residents, consumers, farmers, craftspeople, the community, or any combination. What they have in common is that they circulate the benefits back to their member-owners, and these benefits ripple out to the broader community. Learn more about cooperatives in our Resource Center!