Listings >> Children & Maternity >>Clothing & Apparel >>Health, Beauty, & Fitness Decent Exposures, Inc We make bras, underwear and clothing to order. (206) 364-4540 Like on Facebook Email Decent Exposures, Inc The Good StuffLocally Owned & IndependentCircular Economy We make bras, underwear, and clothing for all shapes and sizes. Organic cotton and latex-free options available. Keywordsorganic cotton, custom fit, custom made, made to order, size inclusive How We ParticipateSeattle Good Business DirectorySustainability / Circular EconomyYouth Intern Program Children & Maternity Clothing & Apparel Health, Beauty, & Fitness Photo gallery All photos (4)
We make bras, underwear, and clothing for all shapes and sizes. Organic cotton and latex-free options available.