Seattle Fireboat Duwamish

The world's most powerful fireboat from 1909 to 2003, pumping 22,800 gallons per minute!

The Good Stuff

Locally Owned & Independent

The Seattle Fireboat Duwamish, built in 1909, is the second oldest fireboat in the United States. A National Historic Landmark, and a City of Seattle Landmark, it is moored at the Historic Ships Wharf at South Lake Union. Dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of Seattle’s firefighting history and the maritime industry, the Seattle Fireboat Duwamish is specifically interested in the education and development of future Mariners.

The Seattle Fireboat Duwamish is open for tours every Sunday (weather permitting) from 11am to 4pm at the South Lake Union Historic Ships Wharf at 650 Terry Ave. N. in Seattle behind the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI).

The Duwamish is a not-for-profit, 501c3, registered National Historic Landmark and a Seattle Historic Landmark. Welcome aboard!


fireboat, fire, seattle, nonprofit, historic, history, landmark, lake union, maritime, museum, preservation, mohai, wharf, ships, ship, duwamish

3rd Party Certifications


Other Affiliations

Washington Maritime Federation

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