Meet our Pitch Finalists!
Join Seattle Good Business Network and Seattle’s Office of Economic Development for the first annual Circular Innovation Challenge: a virtual pitch competition where five finalists will pitch their product ideas for the best-manufactured product idea using ‘waste’ or recycled materials! The winner will receive $10,000 cash, continued mentorship, and more. Details at seattlegood.org/circular-innovation-challenge.
This live event includes a happy hour, live music, audience-favorite voting, circular business vignettes – and of course, pitches from our finalists and the announcement of our winner(s).
We are proud to announce this year’s Circular Innovation Challenge Pitch Finalists! Five teams that have put their innovative minds to growing Seattle’s regenerative economy.
In addition to the five finalists, we are also excited to recognize three honorary finalists who will be presenting their product ideas at the event.
Ellensburg Glass Recycling Cooperative (EGRC)
Product Idea: Desert Sand
“Glass sand has unlimited potential – it is non-toxic and even if we reuse and develop a sanitization facility and reuse bottles 50 times – eventually we will have to recycle them! Most community members agree that glass should be recycled so it is a non-partisan unifying endeavor.”
-Suzanne Noble

The 2050 Company
Product Idea: The 2050 Smoothie
“The 2050 Company is committed to creating value where there is currently waste. We all want to live in a better world a few decades from now, and Project Drawdown has identified reducing food waste as the #1 best way to prevent global warming of 2 degrees Celsius by 2050.”
-Greg Gibson

Refugee Artisan Iniative
Product Idea: Zero Waste Pet Bedding & Accessory Collection
“As an immigrant and someone who cares deeply about our planet, I believe circular and equitable economy will make our world a better place. It’s a win-win for everyone.”
-Ming-Ming Tung-Edelman

Regenerated Textiles
Product Idea: Transform textile waste into local circular economy clothing
“Clothing is one of the tools we use to define our selves. I believe that if we can create momentum behind a circular business model in apparel, we can change the way people think about themselves, and in turn, affect the way they think about consumption.”
-Zahlen Titcomb

DPChem Consulting Inc.
Product Idea: Brown Grease Biodiesel
“I have been involved in waste to energy/fuels projects for over 30 years, and feel that this technology is particularly applicable to today’s waste disposal issues and energy needs.”
-Daniel Parker

Meet our Honorary Finalists!

Chief Seattle Club | Native Works

Corumat Inc.
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