Receive Donated Meals

Are you a Seattle-area community organization that can distribute free, donated meals to food insecure community members? We pair our restaurant partners with senior centers, food banks, after school programs, health clinics, and more. 

Our ability to pair your organization with a restaurant partner is dependent upon funding. Please fill out the form below; it will be reviewed upon receipt and we will contact you when we’re able to pair you with a community kitchen.

If you have any questions please reach out to gro.doogelttaes@fkg.

If you are an individual seeking meals we encourage you to visit our partner sites for details.
Feed the People | That Brown Girl Cooks  | Musang | Everybody Gotta Eat

Partner Application

Photography credit: Tideway Creative 

Help Support Our Mission

By supporting Seattle Good Business Network, you help support our work to build a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive local economy, and to help our local businesses when they need it the most. Learn about all the work we do here.