Open to all in Washington State!
Are you an entrepreneur, business, or student with an innovative idea for a manufactured product from ‘waste’ or recycled materials? Apply to our pitch competition to win $10,000, mentorship, and access to investors for the best product idea.
Applications for the 2021 challenge are now closed. Attend the LIVE event on June 23rd 4-6:30pm PT. Save the date here!
Need Help?
Have Questions? Reach out to Nico at gro.doogelttaes@ralucric
Submit Your Intent to Apply!
Applications for the 2021 challenge are now closed. Attend the LIVE event on June 23rd 4-6:30pm PT. Save the date here!
Planning to apply? Submit your intent to apply online here – this does not bind you or your group/business to formally applying. We are collecting intents to apply to help us prepare for judging and program development purposes.
Applicant Information
The Circular Innovation Challenge is a business pitch competition for the best manufactured product idea and business model that uses prominent waste or recycled materials. This competition is limited to Washington state businesses, individuals, or groups.
Applications will be reviewed by a judging panel of industry experts in two rounds; from written submissions, a finalist pool of eight applicants will be selected to go through a seven-week program culminating with a final live-pitch event.
All applicants must source waste or recycled materials present in WA state to develop a viable product that can scale to meet the needs of our regional market, and must identify how local WA communities are positively impacted by the diversion of waste through the creation of their product. Business pitch submission requirements are outlined in this document and will be judged by a panel of professionals, practitioners, and industry experts based on the following categories:
- Volume/weight of waste diverted will be prioritized. Project ideas that use the most discarded waste/recycled materials will receive more points
- Equitable impact. Product ideas that have greater positive impact on historically under-resourced individuals and communities (BIPOC, refugee, immigrant, low-income, etc.) will receive more points (e.g., create new jobs, create a product that has low-barriers to access and purchasing/affordability, etc.)
- Environmental impact. Product ideas that show viable metrics around environmental impact will receive more points (e.g., measurable reductions in carbon emissions, water usage, pollution and/or chemicals)
- Innovation. Product ideas that create a solution for material streams that pose a prominent challenge will receive more points (e.g., a solution for a dominant ‘waste’ stream like textiles, glass, plastics, etc.)
- Scalability. Product ideas that clearly outline market demand and ability to scale across the region, and beyond, will receive more points
Coordinated by Seattle Good Business Network, in partnership with the City of Seattle’s Office of Economic Development, and made possible by a grant from WA Department of Ecology.
Applicants must submit all required materials outlined below via email to gro.doogelttaes@ralucric no later than Friday, 4/23/2021 11:59PM PT.
The below criteria is to help you address key components of your manufactured product pitch to be considered for the finalist cohort. Judges will review all submissions after the application deadline to select a pool of eight finalists.
Selected finalists will be notified on 4/30/2021 by 5pm PT via email. Finalists will then participate in a seven-week program (workshops, 1:1 support – this is not a full-time program) to further develop their product idea leveraging mentorship and other resources to prepare their final pitch, which will be shared live at the June 23rd event for the final prize of $10,000, access to viable investors, public recognition, and more.
- 12pt font; 1-inch margins; single spaced
- Word or PDF Format
- Include research/sources of information in Appendix
- Be as concise as possible (Submission Criteria: 5 page limit)
- Appendix should include supporting documents, images, tables, graphs, and sources/evidence (Appendix: 3-page limit, in addition to 5-page limit).
- (optional) submission (via Google Drive, DropBox, YouTube, or other) of a six-minute (max) video that addresses the following criteria
- Applicants must identify and describe a manufactured product (including its manufacturing process) that produces a viable consumer end-product.
- Applicants must work within one of the following material streams to create a product that has considerable end-market value, with the potential to realize economies of scale and long-term financial sustainability.
- Acceptable Material Streams include, but are not limited to: Construction and Demolition; Glass; Metal; Organics/Food; Paper; Plastic; Textiles; Wood; Pigment, etc.
- Applicants are encouraged to keep their submission as concise and fact-based as possible.
- If selected as Pitch Finalists, applicants must be available to participate in the 7-week program leading up to the LIVE pitch event on June 23rd. This program includes, but is not limited to:
- Pitch Finalist Orientation on 5/4 10:00-11:30AM PT
- Weekly workshops (90-120 minutes) that are geared towards helping Finalists refine and develop their pitch ideas (dates and times TBD)
- Coordinate with mentors as needed to develop and refine final pitch
- With support, create a video recording of their final pitch, which will be streamed during the LIVE event on 6/23 4-6:30PM
- Attend the LIVE event on 6/23 4-6:30PM and be available to engage in a short Q&A session with the audience
The final winner of the Circular Innovation Challenge 2021 competition will be announced during the live event on June 23rd 4-6:30pm.
This Winner’s Package includes:
- A cash prize of $10,000 in the form of a check
- Introductions to investors to help navigate the funding process in support of winning pitch idea
- Ongoing mentorship (details TBA)
- Public, state-wide recognition and media features through Seattle Good Business Network, OED, and community partner channels
*We have over-the-phone interpretation support in over 200 languages! If you would like interpretation support, please email gro.doogelttaes@ralucric with the language you prefer and the best phone number to reach you. For applications in Español or 繁體中文 please email gro.doogelttaes@ralucric.
Need information or the application form in Spanish (Español) or Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)?
Applications for Product Pitches open: 3/12
Application Closing Date: 4/23 11:59pm PST
Program for Pitch Finalists: 5/4- 6/23
Live Event & Announcement of Best Business Pitch: 6/23 4-6:30pm PST
Registration link for attendees coming Soon. Sign up here to get notified when it opens!
Check out our full timeline here.
If you are applying as a business that already produces/manufactures a product that fits this competition’s criteria, you must pitch a new product (e.g., one that is not already on the market).
Información de Solicitante
Para participar, envíe su solicitud a gro.doogelttaes@ralucric. Las soliitudes deben presentarse antes del viernes 23 de abril a las 11:59 p.m.
¿Es usted un emprendedor o un negocio pequeño? ¿Tiene una idea de producto o modelo de negocio que utiliza materiales reciclados o de desecho?
¡Participe en el Reto de Innovación Circular! El Reto de innovación circular es un concurso de ideas de negocio para el mejor producto elaborado con materiales reciclados o de desecho. Los ganadores de la primera ronda participarán en un taller de 8 semanas para hacer crecer su idea de producto y recibirán tutoría y recursos. En la ronda final, los negocios competirán en un evento en vivo el 23 de junio por un premio en efectivo de $10,000 y acceso a inversionistas.
Para participar, envíe su solicitud a gro.doogelttaes@ralucric. Las solicitudes deben presentarse antes del viernes 23 de abril a las 11:59 p.m.
Los solicitantes deben completar el formulario de Información de contacto y responder las siguientes preguntas, ya sea por escrito o en video:
- ¿Cuál es su idea de producto?
- ¿Qué “desechos” o materiales reciclados utiliza su idea de producto?
- Áreas de materiales aceptables (pero no se limitan a): construcción y demolición, vidrio, metal; orgánicos/alimentos, papel; plástico, textiles, madera, pigmentos, etc
- ¿Cómo planea conseguir este material?
- ¿Cómo se crea su producto?
- ¿A quién cree usted que le interesaría comprar su producto
- ¿Cuáles son sus costos estimados?
- Mano de obra
- Manofactura
- Materiales
- Transporte
- Equipo
- Misc.
Criterios de entrega
Fuente 12pt, márgenes de 1 pulgada, espaciado simple.
En un formato MS Word o PDF
Sea lo más conciso posible (Criterios de entrega: límite de 5 páginas)
Incluya fuentes de información e investigación en el Apéndice
- El apéndice debe incluir documentación adicional, imágenes, tablas, gráficos y fuentes/evidencias (Apéndice: límite de 3 pág nas, a parte del límite de 5 páginas).
Envío (opcional) (a través de Google Drive, DropBox, YouTube u otro) de un video de seis minutos (máximo) que aborde los siguientes criterios.
¿Necesita ayuda con su solicitud? ¿Tiene preguntas? Comuníquese con Stephanie Gowing al 206-684-8090 o vog.elttaes@gniwoG.einahpetS
Hay interpretación disponible, proporcione su nombre e idioma que necesita.
*We have over-the-phone interpretation support in over 200 languages! If you would like interpretation support, please email gro.doogelttaes@ralucric with the language you prefer and the best phone number to reach you. For applications in Español or 繁體中文 please email gro.doogelttaes@ralucric.
Need information or the application form in Spanish (Español) or Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)?
Applications for Product Pitches open: 3/12
Application Closing Date: 4/23 11:59pm PST
Program for Pitch Finalists: 5/4- 6/23
Live Event & Announcement of Best Business Pitch: 6/23 4-6:30pm PST
Registration link for attendees coming Soon. Sign up here to get notified when it opens!
Check out our full timeline here.
申請人 信息
若要申請,請將您的申請表提交至 gro.doogelttaes@ralucric 申請截止日期為4月23日
您是企業家或是小型企業業主嗎? 您是否有使 用回收 材料或廢料來製造產品的創意或商業模 式?
申請參加“循環創新挑戰“!”循環創新挑戰“是一 項商業理念競賽,旨在通過利用回收材料或廢 棄材料製造出最佳產品! 第一輪的獲勝者將參 加為期8週的工作坊,以開發他們的產品理念,並將獲得指導和資源。在最後一輪比賽中,企業將在6月23日的 個現場活動中爭奪10,000 美元的現金獎金和吸引投資者。
若要申請,請將您的申請表提交至 gro.doogelttaes@ralucric 申請截止日期為4月23日,星期五晚上11:59。
申請者必須填寫 “聯繫信息” 表,並以書面或視 頻形式回答下列問題:
- 您的產品創意是什麼?
- 您的產品創意使用什麼“廢品”或回收材料?
- 可接受但不限於的材料類型:建築和拆除廢棄 物、 玻璃、金屬、有機物/食品、紙、塑料、 紡織品、 木頭、顏料等。
- 您打算如何獲得這種材料?
- 您的產品將是如何製造的?
- 您的費用估算是多少?
- 您認為誰會對購買您的產品感興趣?
- 人工費
- 製造費用
- 材料費用
- 運輸費用
- 設備費用
- 雜項費用
- 附錄應包括支持文件、圖像、表格、圖表和來 源/實證(附錄最多3頁,但不算在 頁的限制内
(非必要)通過Google Drive、DropBox、YouTube 或其他方式提交滿足 以下標準的最長為6分鐘的視頻
需要協助申請嗎? 有疑問嗎? 請致電 206-684-8090 或發送電子郵件至 vog.elttaes@gniwoGeinahpetS 與Stephanie Gowing 繫。可提供口譯,請提供您的姓名和需要的 語言。
*We have over-the-phone interpretation support in over 200 languages! If you would like interpretation support, please email gro.doogelttaes@ralucric with the language you prefer and the best phone number to reach you. For applications in Español or 繁體中文 please email gro.doogelttaes@ralucric.
Need information or the application form in Spanish (Español) or Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)?
Applications for Product Pitches open: 3/12
Application Closing Date: 4/23 11:59pm PST
Program for Pitch Finalists: 5/4- 6/23
Live Event & Announcement of Best Business Pitch: 6/23 4-6:30pm PST
Registration link for attendees coming Soon. Sign up here to get notified when it opens!
Check out our full timeline here.